You can tell a lot about the quality of a car by the company it keeps...
So Retro Rock-It must be a goodie!!
Damian and the lovely Tricia had been invited to the Corvette Club of Queensland Christmas lunch, and of course, they said yes!
Damian being inconspicuous...
Santa's sleigh got a bit of an upgrade here!
Santa on his throne...
Damian being presented with a token of the Corvette Club's appreciation for supporting their annual concourse, first with Booger Mobile, and now with Retro Rock-It. The Corvette Club have been long time supporters of Camp Quality, and Damian appreciates the ability to fundraise at their events.
Lining up in the hot sun trying to get a group photo...
And also a bit of a group video was taken (hence the hand waving). This is a still image of the video capture process, take 312345423145235 or there abouts!
All in all, it was wonderful to spend a social afternoon with the Corvette Club of Queensland, and Damian looks forward to continuing to have their support in 2018.
So Retro Rock-It must be a goodie!!
Damian and the lovely Tricia had been invited to the Corvette Club of Queensland Christmas lunch, and of course, they said yes!
Damian being inconspicuous...
Santa's sleigh got a bit of an upgrade here!
Santa on his throne...
Damian being presented with a token of the Corvette Club's appreciation for supporting their annual concourse, first with Booger Mobile, and now with Retro Rock-It. The Corvette Club have been long time supporters of Camp Quality, and Damian appreciates the ability to fundraise at their events.
Lining up in the hot sun trying to get a group photo...
And also a bit of a group video was taken (hence the hand waving). This is a still image of the video capture process, take 312345423145235 or there abouts!
All in all, it was wonderful to spend a social afternoon with the Corvette Club of Queensland, and Damian looks forward to continuing to have their support in 2018.