Sunday, 30 July 2017

esCarpade Door Panels and Number 64

The 2017 Camp Quality esCarpade is approaching rapidly, so Damian and Adam had another working bee to get Retro Rock-It moving in the right direction...  As always, Merlin was on hand to be... err... of assistance?

First up, removing the final old sticker on the rear window...  A bit of residue to deal with, but not too bad...

On the bonnet though, the residue was thick and unforgiving... After some of the usual methods proved to be tedious, Damian went and bought some "Oomph" spray from the local hardware store...  Holy dooley does this product work a treat!!

Adam spraying and scraping...

The door was open, so Merlin was in the car to help...

Damian started hand-cutting some new door numbers from an old 2013 door panel that he had spare...  Still number 64, even though the theme and vehicle is different!!

Next cab off the rank, removing the existing light bar to make room for the rooftop pod...  This involved pulling half the dash apart to trace the wires...

But the light bar was eventually removed!!

The first part of the door panel was on...  looks pretty good!!

Then a giggle esCarpade logo...

Meanwhile, Adam continued to dismantle and trace wires...

While Damian put the driver's door panel on...

And the Giggle logo...

Lastly, the esCarpade sign... 

And of course, the same on the driver's side!!

The mighty 64 on the rear window...

Let's see how the rooftop pod fits...  pretty good!!  Adam wiping the boogers off with a tissue...

The green isn't quite right, but it doesn't look terrible!!

This rooftop pod needs to change colours...  Any suggestions?

Lucky last - the Shop Plumbing massive sticker goes on, to match their massive donation!!

So the stickers are starting to fall into place... there are a few others that Damian will need to sort out in the coming weeks - some waiting for new stickers to be made, some waiting for pledged donations to come in...

The wiring is going to be a little more tricky than first thought, but hey, that's building an esCarpade car for you!!

Stay tuned - things are starting to happen now...

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Introducing Retro Rock-It!!

Introducing Retro Rock-It...  A 1994 Ford Fairmont sedan...  Yes, Damian has a newer car, but still a Ford!!  Thirty years newer than Booger Mobile, as a matter of fact!!
The lines aren't quite the same... but still stylish.
Does have a protective bullbar on the front though, which might come in handy for suicidal roos!!
And under the bonnet, there's so much wizardry that Damian hopes it all magically keeps going, because tie-wire and good thoughts won't keep this one running...
Perhaps the most exciting thing from Damian's perspective, is not the power steering... Nor is it the climate control... Not even the massive boot for storing stuff...  But the fact that this car promises to go further than 250km on a single tank of fuel!!
Stay tuned - three months until esCarpade, so the fun is really starting to begin for Damian and Adam to have Retro Rock-It themed up and ready to go!!