Sunday... two months until esCarpade 2017, and another working bee with Adam coming around...
First up, Booger Mobile vacated the shed to allow Retro Rock-It to be worked on...
Damian even tidied the floor - you can actually *see* the floor in parts!!
Test of the newly painted rooftop pod... fits nicely...
And from the back...
First up, Damian and Adam emptied Retro Rock-It's boot, which was chock full of goodies (in the form of spare parts, the other spare wheel etc).
Adam demonstrating proper vacuuming technique...
Meanwhile, the holes in the roof where the previous lights were mounted needed filling... First up, sand back to bare metal...
And the ones on the passenger side, too... The one with the rubber grommet will remain for some wiring to come through at a later stage.
Meanwhile, Adam finished the vacuuming - how big is this boot???!?!?!?!?! Must be three times the size of Booger mobile's!!
Patched and sanded back...
Little bit of spray putty/sealer/undercoat...
Next up, a hole in the firewall to feed some wires through for the lights on the roof...
And with a nice rubber grommet installed!!
Wrapping some more of the wires so that they feed into the new grommet in a wrapped state...
Adam poking wires through the firewall...
And Damian on the inside pulling them through...
One small bracket to hold the wires in place... It's black, believe it or not!!
A second hole, also with a rubber grommet...
Booger Mobile acquired one extra horsepower...
A snappy tidy-up of the front windscreen surround (with some matt black paint)...
And the wires are secure...
Adam working on a very dusty roof installing one of the amber LED strobe lights...
Damian on drill-duty for the mounts...
And one set of amber LED strobes installed... with wiring nearby... It's almost like they will work at some point!!
Retro Rock-It needs a good dust, or perhaps a wash!!
Up on the ramps to check out the underside... There is a chock behind the rear wheels, even though it's not quite in the picture... Safety first!!
Adam having a look-see, with Merlin lining him up for an unwanted tongue in the ear!!
Adam pointed out some mud on the edge of the transmission - perhaps some further washing is in order at some point!!
Damian's turn - both to have a look under the car, and to be licked by Merlin!!
The front brake rotors look fine!!
Retro Rock-It getting ready to go back to the carport... The light isn't actually on, it's just a reflection from the afternoon sun!!
And Booger Mobile back in the shed for safe-keeping...
Another weekend has come and gone, and the esCarpade just keeps on getting closer... Will the boys be finished in time? Hopefully...
Stay tuned as the esCarpade is rapidly approaching…