Sunday, 10 June 2018

UHF Aerial Fixing

A bright, Sunday morning... Damian thought that he'd spend a bit of time sorting out Retro Rock-It's somewhat flaky UHF radio...

The radio itself is relatively new, but there's a loose connection somewhere...

Damian did some impressive soldering work under the dash using first a lighter, then an actual soldering iron (for safety reasons).  There are no pictures of this, because he needed both hands to do the actual work!

Funny story though - after finishing soldering and putting it all back together again, Damian stood up out of the car and stumbled, catching the soldering iron between the ring finger and middle finger of his right hand, causing a small but nasty burn... 

The other job was to adjust the angle of the dangle for the LED light bar so that it shone on the road, not the trees...

Stay tuned!

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Angelhurst Village Car Show

The 2018 Angelhurst Village Car Show was on again, and for the third year in a row, Damian was invited along... however this would be the first year for Retro Rock-It!  (In 2017 Booger Mobile went along for the ride...)

It was dark when they were getting ready to leave...

This is what tired, early morning Damo looks like!!

Tricia looked thrilled to be up so early, too!!

Nice sunrise though!!

Snappy 120km trip down to Tamborine...

There are a mixture of pictures here - some taken by Tricia in the front seat, some taken by Jordan in the back seat...

Up and over the Gateway...

Past some old houses...

And new ones...

All the way to Angelhurst Village.

Damian wandering around...

All set up waiting for the cars to arrive!!

The Angelhurst Village Car Show is a privately run car show by invitation only, where such cars as Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Mercedes, Porsche and others are thick on the ground...

Damian collecting the entry fee...  taking turns again, with BRAKE charity.

Tricia keeping an eye on proceedings...

Damian and Tricia...

Some artistic shots of Retro Rock-It...

Tricia enjoying a hot chocolate while Damian continues collecting...

Believe it or not, this is a Lamborghini!!

Tricia writing out a few extra receipts while the cars kept coming...

This 1933 Rolls Royce was spectacular inside and out!!

In amongst it all, Jordan found a praying mantis with its wings out...

With a family gathering to attend, it was time to pack up early (after most cars had arrived, but before judging was completed) and head off... past some garden art...

And the same house from earlier!

Then back up the highway...

Many thanks to Terry Hurst for having Damian and Retro Rock-It along to fundraise again this year...  The amazing total of $1600 was raised on the day, with potentially a few more dollars to come in after club cheques are banked!