Saturday, 2 March 2019

2018 Qld esCarpade Thank You Dinner

After a quiet end of 2018 and slow start to 2019 for Retro Rock-It, Damian and Tricia headed up to Toowoomba to meet up with some of the Queensland esCarpadians to have dinner, reminisce about the 2018 esCarpade and receive their official "Thank You" plaques.

Pre-dinner selfie with this hottie...

A pretty good roll-up...  Representatives from six Queensland cars...  It's tough to find a night that will suit everyone!

Thank you!  No, thank YOU!!  Retro Rock-It's official fundraising total for 2018 was $11381.45!  Not bad out of an overall Queensland entrant total of just over $128K...

Cara, the bubbly boss of esCarpade knew the best way to end up in a blog post was to photobomb Damian's photo!

Group photo...

And a group selfie...

Then a group photo including Cara (left) and Janine (Qld Senior Fundraising chicky) on the right...

Now is as good a time as any to announce that 2019 will see the return of Retro Rock-It for what will be Damian's TENTH esCarpade, and Angus' FIFTH esCarpade!!

The boys have signed up and are ready to get that fundraising underway, so click that donate now button on the top right hand side of the blog homepage and help the boys with TEN for TEN!!  ($10K for 10 years)