Saturday, 25 May 2019

Camp Quality South Qld Volunteer Recognition Event

Damian had been invited to the Camp Quality South Qld volunteer recognition event... he figured it was a good reason to take Retro Rock-It out for a spin...

Always a good time for a selfie!

Parked up at the venue...

Lined up with the gutter on one side... apparently the line isn't parallel to the gutter!!

Giggle having a turn wearing Damian's hat...

Close up...

The venue - the Carina Leagues Club.

A Camp Quality banner... must be the right place!

Rock and roll!!

Upstairs at the event... Weaver was there...

As was Michael...

Brooksy presented Damian with his plaque for 15 years of service to Camp Quality...  Also told a few stories about Damo - all true!

Damian remaining in character... 

Star!  With lots of grubby fingerprints, but still a star!

Kylie the new recreation coordinator for Camp Quality South Qld...

Miguel the boss...

Bec wanted to make a special guest appearance on the Retro Rock-It blog...  wish granted!!

It was dark by the time Damian got home...  Retro Rock-It drove beautifully, and looked pretty!

Stay tuned for more progress - esCarpade is now less than four months away... Damian probably needs to put in a little more effort right about now!

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Freshen Up - Test Painting

Some of the custom paint has started to flake off, so Damian thought a test removal of some of it was in order, so that a freshen up of the paintwork could be done...

The spoiler had very flaky clear paint that was sprayed over, and a lot was now unreadable...

Through the magic of the interwebs, sanding and undercoating was done...

And the next day, a top coat was thrown on.

Not perfect, but perfectly acceptable to freshen up the base ready for some more theming!