In disappointing but not completely unexpected news, the 2020 Camp Quality esCarpade has been officially CANCELLED due to the Covid-19 pandemic and border closures.
Fundraising will continue and will be applied to Retro Rock-It's fundraising total for the 2021 Camp Quality esCarpade, which will be esCarpade's 30th anniversary extravaganza!
The official cancellation from esCarpade HQ is below:
Firstly, the esCarpade team would like to let our friends in Victoria know we are thinking of you all and wish you all the best over the coming months. Our hearts go out to you in this uncertain time.
For 29 years, esCarpade’s participants, sponsors, supporters and volunteers have put their heart and soul into creating a fundraising event that gives our kids and families facing cancer truly positive memories that change the cancer story. Without people like you this wouldn’t be possible.
During these uncertain times we appreciate our loyal supporters, donors and suppliers more than ever and with that in mind we are writing today to update you about esCarpade 2020 in relation to the escalating impact of COVID-19.
At Camp Quality the health and safety of our kids, families, staff, volunteers and supporters is paramount. We are continually monitoring and assessing our events, programs and services, and where necessary changing existing commitments in accordance with the evolving situation and the guidelines set out by the Australian Government Department of Health.
With the ever changing border restrictions across the east coast and community uncertainty as we face mounting concerns with COVID-19, we have made the unfortunate and reluctant decision to cancel esCarpade in 2020. This has not been an easy decision, but one we feel is in the best interests for everyone’s health and safety.
You can be assured that whilst this means we all can’t be together as one big esCarpade family, we are working on a number of options – both in person, and virtually – to ensure we bring the ultimate party on wheels to life in as many ways as possible for you. Consider this simply as our gap year before the big 30th birthday bash!