Saturday, 27 February 2021

Working Bee, and Introducing Paul Hogan!

Damian figured that it was time to get cracking with preparations for esCarpade 2021...  There were a few engine maintenance things to get sorted.

First up - work out how to remove the underbody protection... 5 bolts and off it came!

Introducing Paul Hogan, aka Hoges, who will be joining Damian (and hopefully Damian's brother Jason) on the esCarpade in 2021...

Long arms help in this situation...

Removing the sump plug!

Thumbs up from Damian.

Bit of esCarpade dust floating around under there still!!

And out with the black oil...

Hoges had a turn under the car, removing and replacing the oil filter.

Merlin looking on as Hoges demonstrates correct leg-raising etiquette...

If Damian was that far under the car, his head would be out the other side!

Next up, removing the old, dead battery...  Looks like it was particularly dead!

After cleaning up the battery tray, in with the new battery!

She's aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!!

Hoges testing out the driver's seat, while Booger Mobile looks on from the shed.

Damian thinks the seat needs to move about 3' forward from there!

Adjusting the mounting bracket for the new GPS tripmeter...

Voila!!  Is installed!  Damian will replace the cigarette lighter plug end with a connection to the fused power block in due course.

Next up, wash off the dust...

Looking pretty clean now!

Not a complete buff and polish, but not too shabby given it was a quick hose off and wipe down of the windows!

After a lovely BBQ dinner and a few celebratory drinks, Hoges had a bit of a kip on the couch, while Damian took the opportunity (as always) to grab a selfie with a sleeping partner-in-crime!

Hoges has been following Damian's esCarpade adventures since 2017, and has been looking forward to getting involved for many years.  This year, he called up Damian and straight up said that he wanted a seat in the car!!  How could Damian refuse?

Welcome aboard, Hoges!  

Stay tuned folks - things are just heating up for preparations for the 2021 Camp Quality esCarpade!

Friday, 26 February 2021

Breaking News - esCarpade 2021 Route is Changed Completely...

In what can best be described as bitterly disappointing news for the Qld entrants who were looking forward to not having to drive so far to get to/from the esCarpade, the powers that be have decided that in light of Covid-19 restrictions that may or may not eventuate again, they will move esCarpade 2021 to be completely within NSW...  this will allow the most number of teams to participate should borders with other states close again.

The new start and finish locations for esCarpade 2021 are now Albury (in the far south of NSW - on the border with Victoria) and Coffs Harbour.  

For Damian, Jason and Hoges in Retro Rock-It, this means instead of a leisurely 245km drive to the starting line this year, it's 1500km...  Maybe 2022 will be closer to home...

Still, the boys realise that it's not about them, it's about the opportunity to raise money for Camp Quality and to bring happiness and laughter to the children and families along the route, regardless of where the route may go!