Saturday, 27 March 2021

Fundraising with Queensland Corvette Club at Repco Max

Getting up early, Damian woke up Retro Rock-It as it was time to head to Repco Max at Moss St Slacks Creek as guests of the Queensland Corvette Club for their fundraising sausage sizzle!

The early morning light was pierced by Retro Rock-It's lights!

Really pierced!

Glamour shot from the passenger side...

After collecting Hoges, fuelling up and heading down the highway, the boys arrived at Repco Max, where Hoges helped get the flag set up!

Proud of himself, really!

Queensland Corvette Club getting set up for the cooking duties... 

Some of the early Corvettes lining up...


Damian and Hoges...  Always time for a selfie!

The first cooking was bacon and egg rolls for breakfast... Damian remarked to Hoges that it was just like being on esCarpade!

Prime corner spot for Retro Rock-It, watching the traffic go by!

Hoges checking that the flag is still in order!

And checking out the fancy under-bonnet paintwork on one of the cars!

After a great day catching up with the members of the Queensland Corvette Club, Damian dropped Hoges back home and headed home himself.

A great day was had, and the boys collected an impressive $77.85 in the tin!

Stay tuned for the next fundraiser, which rumour has it will be in late May down at Carrara Markets... again as guests of the Queensland Corvette Club!

If you have an event coming up and would like Damian to bring Retro Rock-It along (or even to come and speak at your group or club about Camp Quality and/or esCarpade), please drop Damian a line!