Sunday, 30 May 2021

Carrara Markets Corvette Car Show Fundraising

The boys were up bright and early to head to the Carrara Markets Corvette Car Show as guests of the Queensland Corvette Club.  Booger Mobile was a little sad not to be making the journey...

It was early, and dark... luckily the lights on Retro Rock-It work!

Arrived at the markets around daybreak, with the first of the Corvettes rolling in around the same time...

Carrara Markets Corvette Car Show... yep, this was definitely the right place!

Some beautiful cars rolled in (this one turned out to be the winner in its class)...

Lined up...

Final polishing waiting for the gates to open and the crowds to arrive!

Still a bit more room...

All the bonnets seem to open the wrong way!

Damian with his obligatory selfie...

This one was popular with the kids...

Trophies lined up waiting for the judging to be completed...

Camp Quality and Wounded Heroes were the charities being supported by the Queensland Corvette Club on the day...

Damian and Hoges collecting donations...

The crowds in full flight...

Lots of people came through the car show across the day...

Ladies!  Would you make a donation to this man?

Crowds, photos, photos of people in the crowd taking photos...

Wounded Heroes doing their thing...

Hoges resting his weary legs, but still accepting donations!  Alternatively, Retro Rock-It may have a new hood ornament!

Damian still smiling, and still accepting donations...  and taking selfies!  Note the QR code on the top of the container - the boys actually received a couple of donations today via the QR code!

Corvette owners lining up for the trophy presentation...

Winners are grinners!

Damian removed the QR code from the window, only to discover that the stickers were paper-based and they left their mark... 

Just like that, the day was done...

The cars filed out for the trip home...

With Damian and Retro Rock-It dropping Hoges home before heading back to Damian's place... where the lights got a test run...

Looking alright!

One amber one seems to be marginally annoying, but other than that, all systems go for the lights!

How much did the boys raise, you ask?

Well... first of all, the Queensland Corvette Club donated an incredible $500...

Next, the buckets had an astounding $502.60 in it... plus a couple of online donations, meaning the whole day raised over ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!

Thanks so much to the Queensland Corvette Club, the Carrara Markets (in particular the ever-helpful Mia who made sure the boys knew where and when they could shake their buckets) and all the punters who filed through and gave generously!

Saturday, 29 May 2021

See Retro Rock-It at Carrara Markets on Sunday 30 May 2021!

Damian and Hoges have been invited to bring Retro Rock-It to the Carrara Markets as guests of the Queensland Corvette Club on Sunday 30 May 2021 between 7am and 3pm.

A big venue requires a big donation bucket...  This one looks pretty good!

But it needs to look a bit more Camp Quality-y...

Damian using a sharp implement... what could possibly go wrong?


Three lids looking the goods...

And three donation buckets finished!

For those who don't have any cash... the QR Code is on the top of the bucket... clever!  Give it a try if you want to!!

Again, come along to see Retro Rock-It and the boys on Sunday 30 May 2021 at the Carrara Markets - they will be near the covered pavilion where the Queensland Corvette Club will have their cars on display!!

Why not drop by and throw some money in the buckets... or even try out the fancy new QR Code?