Sunday, 28 May 2023

Better get cracking - esCarpade will be here before you know it!

Damian and Hoges have been invited to bring Retro Rock-It along to another Corvettes event in a couple of weeks, so Damian figured he should probably start Retro Rock-It (just to make sure the poor, neglected old thing still runs)!

Well, the lights work, that's something!

It's alive!

Looking alright, but a bit on the dirty side...


The old Giggle logo... soon to be replaced by the new, fancier Camp Quality Giggle logo!

Merlin assisted the washing of Retro Rock-It... and by "assisted", Damian means "supervised"!

Looking a bit cleaner now...

Merlin is impressed!

But  now he's had enough photos, and is getting out of the way...

If you'd like to support Damian and Hoges, and perhaps even Jason as well, feel free to click on that Donate Now link up above!

In unrelated news, there's been quite the honour bestowed upon Damian...

Last week (during National Volunteer Week), Damian was awarded the 

Queensland Gillard Volunteer of the Year Award

and if that wasn't enough, he was also announced as the recipient of the 

National Gillard Volunteer of the Year Award

selected from the state award recipients!

Damian was truly honoured and humbled to have been selected for these awards out of all the wonderful and deserving volunteers across Camp Quality.

Monday, 1 May 2023

2023 esCarpade Route Announced

Drumroll please...  

The route for the 2023 Camp Quality esCarpade has been announced, and it's a cracker!!

Day 0 - Saturday 21 October 2023 - Lismore

All cars make their way to Lismore NSW, where esCarpade 2023 commences with scrutineering, driver briefing and formal Welcome Dinner.

Day 1 - Sunday 22 October 2023 - Lismore to Gatton to Caloundra

The first day of driving, leaving NSW for sunny Qld, where the boys will remain until the final day of esCarpade.

Day 2 - Monday 23 October 2023 - Caloundra to Maryborough to Bundaberg

Should be the first of the school visits for 2023 - the highlight of esCarpade for many of the entrants!

Day 3 - Tuesday 24 October 2023 - Bundaberg to Calliope to Rockhampton 

Day 3 is usually a big day, culminating in an even bigger night as the official party night before the lay day in Rockhampton, where broken cars and people will be restored!

Day 4 - Wednesday 25 October 2023 - Lay Day in Rockhampton

Take in the sites, fix cars, catch up with friends, this is the mid-way point of esCarpade and a chance to relax before the run to the finish.

Day 5 - Thursday 26 October 2023 - Rockhampton to Cracow to Chinchilla

Back in the car, it's time to head towards Chinthrilla!

Day 6 - Friday 27 October 2023 - Chinchilla to Tara to Goondiwindi

The penultimate day and the final night in Qld for esCarpade 2023 before dropping over the border on the final day.

Day 7 - Saturday 28 October 2023 - Goondiwindi to Moree to Narrabri

Finishing off esCarpade 2023 with a leisurely drive back into NSW, forming up for a parade into Narrabri for the finish of another fantastic event... with the final night party before a good night's sleep and heading back home on Sunday.