Sunday, 23 July 2023

Rooftop Pod Completed and Reinstalled

The yellow squiggle Giggle was looking a bit underdone, so Damian added another coat of yellow...

And another...

And yet another!

Now that the colour depth was a bit better, it was time to rejig the black parts... and this is the end result!

Since he was having so much fun with the black nikko, Damian decided to so some outlining on the rear of the rooftop pod also!

Well, it's marginally better...

And with just a little bit of help from the lovely Tricia (not shown), the rooftop pod was reinstalled.

After a snappy test drive to make sure all was well, it was time to test the lights...

Don't panic... Booger Mobile wasn't stolen between these pictures... Damian went for a cruise under the guise of "moving it out of the way of the cupboard at the back"!

And the obligatory video of the safety lights, and the fancy green ones... 

Retro Rock-It is back together and ready for scrutineering in a few weeks time...

Monday, 17 July 2023

Rooftop Pod Refresh

Given Camp Quality has updated their logo to what Damian calls the "yellow squiggle Giggle", and particularly since he had been awarded the Gillard National Volunteer of the Year for Camp Quality, Damian figured that the Giggle on the rooftop pod needed a refresh.

Off with the rooftop pod...

A few pics for posterity...

Bye old Giggle...

And stylised Giggle from the back...

<sings> I see an old Giggle and I want to paint it black...

No Giggle on the front I want it to turn black...

But now what?

Well, Damian had a bit of green paint left over, so what better colour for a racing stripe?

Hmmm... not enough coats yet.

Bit better, but still not quite...

How about now?

Alright... NOW?

There you go... just four coats later and it's green!  What's a bit of overspray among friends?

Time for the new Giggle logo... first up, the steering wheel and hands!

Yep, about there...


And Damian managed to (mostly) colour between the lines!

Next, the Giggle face... much more cutting out required here!



And voila!

How about something for the back now?

New Camp Quality esCarpade font!

With the word CAR filled in!

Safety lights back on...

Giggle just about done... but where's the yellow squiggle?

First coat of yellow... once it's dried, Damian will give it another going over, then fix up any black lines that need a bit of a touch up...

There you have it, folks... now you can see why Damian calls it the yellow squiggle Giggle!