Sunday, 2 June 2019

Fundraising Update

Well, here's a snappy fundraising update...

Sadly, Camp Quality was not the nominated charity for one of the main fundraising events Damian has had for the past few years, so that has left a $1300 hole in his fundraising plans...

In happier news, the amazing Kirra, Camp Quality volunteer extraordinaire, has donated a set of raffle prizes for Damian to raffle off at the next event he has...

Damian also picked up a monthly fundraiser from another esCarpade entrant who was moving away for work for a couple of years... First month he raised $209... 

The fundraising total currently stands at $928.95 - still aiming for $10,000.  A number of Damian's friends and colleagues have donated already - thanks for that!  If you haven't yet donated, click that yellow button up there on the right and get to it!!

Perhaps it would help if the button was moved closer for you...


  1. So sorry to hear that Damian :( but as the saying go as one door closes another opens lets hope that is the case for your fund raising efforts for the Camp Quality Great eScarpade.I know you won t give up on finding other ways to raise the much needed funds

    1. Thanks Kaye! It certainly seems to get tougher each year to raise the money... Grateful for your support as always!
