Saturday, 10 February 2024

Farewell from Retro Rock-It

Retro Rock-It has rocked its last Camp Quality esCarpade...  

With a few too many clunks and shudders, and a busted brake booster thrown into the mix, the cost of getting Retro Rock-It ready for the 2024 Camp Quality esCarpade outweighs the value of it, so it's farewell from Retro Rock-It...

Massive thanks go to all the sponsors and people who have donated over the years - the boys couldn't have done it without you!

The fundraising link will still take you to the appropriate site, so please continue to donate, because...

It's not the end of the line for Damian and Hoges... 

The boys have a new car in the pipeline with a new theme... so keep on donating and helping the boys raise much needed funds for Camp Quality!

Once the new blog is up and running, Damian will post a link to it...  stay tuned!


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