Saturday, 25 August 2018

Pre-Scrutineering Preparation

Pre-Scrutineering eve...  A day that should have been a snappy wash and quick once over...

After doing that, and fuelling up, Damian discovered that the UHF radio was receiving well, but not transmitting more than about 20m...  After testing with a different aerial and coax cable, it was discovered it was the actual UHF radio (or microphone).  Not having a compatible microphone, Damian decided the best option was to replace the entire unit...  Why wouldn't you, the day before scrutineering?

Of course, the UHF that Damian decided to use had been sitting in the shed on a shelf for around four and a half years, so although it worked fine, the rubber coating on the microphone cord was perishing badly, so Damian did some of the worst wire wrapping ever!!  But hey, it worked!!

Of course, the replacement radio not only didn't have the same mounts as the one that was removed - it didn't have any mounts at all!!  Super tape to the rescue!!

Voila!!  Installed!!

Stay tuned for pre-scrutineering on Sunday morning!!


  1. Well just when we all thought it was all go go go with Retro Rock-it something just had to go wrong lol. I could hear Booger giggling while watching on.
    Well done Damian as always doing it for the kids and Camp Quality all the best for the Scrutinering

    1. Thanks Kaye!! You just wait until you see the next blog post...
