Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Rear Suspension Replacement

Damian had spent the past week or so cleaning out his shed and moving Booger Mobile over to the other bay, leaving the middle bay for Retro Rock-It...

Good bye front of house carport...

Hello middle bay of the shed!!

Plenty of room - in frontwards because Damian will be replacing the rear suspension today...

New suspension - King Springs raised heavy duty springs, and Monroe GT Gas shocks.

First up, the top bolts are hidden behind plastic panels behind the rear seat...

Before photo - note the gap between the top of the tyre and the guard.

Up, up and away!!

Safety first!!

Driver's side... supposedly the removal of the rear springs involved no effort at all, and definitely didn't need spring compressors...  Turns out the driver's side did!

New King Spring on the right...  one less coil than the old springs, but slightly taller.

Just got to get it up in here...


And with the new shock absorber in...

Comparison between the new shock and the old one...  The old one was stuffed!!

The passenger side on the other hand, took about 15 mins, and didn't require the use of spring compressors!!  There was more room behind the spring to get it out...

And the height difference... this was after a test drive to attempt to settle the springs... Looking good!!

Reversed back in, ready for some loving of the front shocks... the coil springs are King Springs already (and pretty new looking), but the struts themselves look to be the original ones from the car, so that's a job for another time!

Retro Rock-It's new home in the shed with Booger Mobile...  Safe and sound!

Scrutineering is in just under three weeks - Retro Rock-It is looking pretty good for making it there!!


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