Friday, 30 August 2019

Pre-Scrutineering Fixes

Regular blog readers would remember that Damian had a couple of items to sort out on Retro Rock-It post pre-scrutineering last weekend...

But first... a quick trip to Sandgate Wreckers to hand over a thank you certificate...

Next stop Tyrepower to get the muffler replaced.

Good bye back mount connection...

Good bye back pipe connection...

Good bye front connection!

And hello shiny new muffler!

And down it comes...

All set!

There it is... much prettier, and with far fewer dents and holes!

Next cab off the rank was to replace the out of date fire extinguisher...  New esCarpade rules require an extinguisher that is 5 years old or less...

Naturally, the new fire extinguisher is a slightly different size/shape to the old one, so the mounting bracket will need to be replaced also...

New bracket installed...

And voila!  New fire extinguisher is in place...

All items identified at pre-scrutineering for Retro Rock-It have now been dealt with... onward and upward towards the fundraising goal and esCarpade 2019!!

Sunday, 25 August 2019

Queensland Pre-Scrutineering

Each year, there is a pre-scrutineering event in each state to allow vehicles to be put up on the hoist and inspected before turning up to esCarpade, to allow for any surprises to be handled in the weeks leading up to the event, rather than frantically on the opening day...

Damian was taking Retro Rock-It, of course!

Heading out the driveway...

Rocking the flame socks!

And parked up... is this the right place?

Sunshine Steering at Palmwoods... yep!

Retro Rock-It was first cab off the rank... Ben (left) and Gordon (under the bonnet) had a good look...

Yep, there's an engine!

The lovely Cara from Camp Quality took a number of photos that Damian stole for the blog, so thanks Cara!  Clearly photos with Damian in them are from Cara, and so are a couple of others!

Ready to go up on the hoist...

Up, up and away!!

The muffler has had more hits than Elvis...  Damian needs to have it replaced before esCarpade as a precautionary fix...

Standing around having a chin-wag... there were some impressive vehicles in the workshop!

The Queensland entrants who made it to scrutineering...

Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care!

Damian repping his Team Booger Mobile hat with Retro Rock-It...  Booger Mobile is retired but never forgotten!

The teams and officials headed to the Palmwoods Hotel for lunch, before everyone headed back to their respective homes (or the plane station for Cara, Ben and Gordon).

After a very long trip home (the traffic was woeful due to crashes on the highway and the alternative routes), Damian arrived home and parked up Retro Rock-It.  In the coming days he will need to sort out a new muffler and fire extinguisher, then will be pretty much ready to rock and roll for 2019!

Fundraising has passed the minimum and continues to climb slowly - now sitting at $5688.42.  If you haven't donated yet, get on it and help Damian reach his goal of $10K for 10 years!!

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Donation - Queensland Corvette Club Inc

Damian received a call from the lovely Elaine, the secretary of the Queensland Corvette Club Inc (you know, the club that has supported Camp Quality for many years, and Damian in turn supports their concourse events down the Gold Coast), asking if Damian could attend as they had a small presentation they would like to make.

Damian grabbed Retro Rock-It and headed to the specified address...

Turns out that Elaine and Glen (the club president) are about to hand over the reins to a new secretary and president, and as their final duties were making a donation to the three charities that they support...  Wounded Heroes, Logan House Fire Support Network and of course, Camp Quality!

Representatives from the three charities gathered - the cars were lined up ready for a photo shoot...

First up, Louis from LHFSN.

Then, Damian from Camp Quality.

Last but not least, Martin from Wounded Heroes.

Group photo!!

Three lucky recipients holding their yellow envelopes...

Damian headed back home with Retro Rock-It... lights still work!

What was in the envelope you ask?  $1000 worth of gift cards!  An amazing donation!!!

Damian converted $850 worth of gift cards to cash and added that to his fundraising total, with the remaining gift cards to be used as part of an upcoming raffle.

After this amazing donation, Damian has cracked the halfway mark to his $10,000 goal...  Meaning the minimum $5000 donation has been raised!!  Retro Rock-It will be on esCarpade!!

The current donation total?  An incredible $5173.42!!

Stay tuned - there are some more donations in the breeze...  Shhhh... secret squirrel!

Friday, 9 August 2019

Presentation - Brisbane Central Rotary Club

Damian was invited to do a presentation about all things Camp Quality and esCarpade to the Brisbane Central Rotary Club... they meet at lunch time on a Friday.  He arrived a little early, so sat outside enjoying the cool breeze that was blowing...

The sky was blue... the building was too!!

And into The Brisbane Club...  One minor issue - they usually insist on long sleeves (not just a collared shirt as Damian had thought)... After quickly advising that he was the guest speaker today, he was ushered into the room - it was a private function, so an exception was made.  Don't tell anyone!!

So the banners say "Rotary Club of Brisbane Mid-City", even though the invite said "Brisbane Central Rotary Club"...  Either way, Damian was ready to present to the small but appreciative crowd.

After a delicious lunch and fellowship with some fabulous Rotarians, it was time to head off into the sunset, having spread the word about Camp Quality and esCarpade.

There is a couple of action shots of Damian floating around that were taken by Lisa the president of the club, and Damian will update this post with them once they have been received!

Here they are...

Stop... hammer time!

And a Rotary pen presented to Damian.

In unrelated news, the fundraising total for Retro Rock-It currently stands at


Thanks to everyone who has made a donation so far... there are still 9 weeks till esCarpade, so if you want to make a donation click that yellow DONATE NOW button over on the right hand side, or contact Damian!