Friday, 30 August 2019

Pre-Scrutineering Fixes

Regular blog readers would remember that Damian had a couple of items to sort out on Retro Rock-It post pre-scrutineering last weekend...

But first... a quick trip to Sandgate Wreckers to hand over a thank you certificate...

Next stop Tyrepower to get the muffler replaced.

Good bye back mount connection...

Good bye back pipe connection...

Good bye front connection!

And hello shiny new muffler!

And down it comes...

All set!

There it is... much prettier, and with far fewer dents and holes!

Next cab off the rank was to replace the out of date fire extinguisher...  New esCarpade rules require an extinguisher that is 5 years old or less...

Naturally, the new fire extinguisher is a slightly different size/shape to the old one, so the mounting bracket will need to be replaced also...

New bracket installed...

And voila!  New fire extinguisher is in place...

All items identified at pre-scrutineering for Retro Rock-It have now been dealt with... onward and upward towards the fundraising goal and esCarpade 2019!!


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