Sunday, 9 September 2018

2018 Brisbane Billycart Championships

An early morning saw the boys and Damian heading in Retro Rock-It towards the Brisbane Billycart Championships, with Tricia following behind in her car (with the Berg Balanz Bike onboard).

Heading towards the Gold Coast...

Boys road trip!!

Up over the Gateway Bridge...

And parked at the 2018 Brisbane Billycart Championships...

Damian checked out the ramps... nice work Rotary Club of Carindale...

Before heading down and adding a Camp Quality banner to the fence at the finish line...

And one in the officials tent...

Some beautifully turned out billycarts were on hand...

And the racing was fast and furious!

The mascot race was pretty slim...  Hogster from Hog's Breath up against Rex from the Scouts...

For those following along at home, the Berg Balanz Bike raffle tickets were all sold...

Ross Stewart from the Rotary Club of Carindale drew the winning number... number 78!

A nice guy by the name of Steve was the winner... he purchased his ticket at the event!!

This was the excitement for the afternoon... there was a bit of a wind whirligig that came through, taking a bunch of papers into the sky, upending marquees, and also whisking away a full-size shade umbrella!!  It went about 50m into the air, before falling back down to earth, thankfully getting caught up in the trees behind the marquees to the left of the picture...

Meanwhile, the racing continued...

Fun for young and old!

A brilliant day was had at the 2018 Brisbane Billycart Championships...  And Damian added to the fundraising total (both through a donation from the Rotary Club of Carindale for Damian's MC work, and from the sale of the raffle tickets).


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