Sunday, 2 September 2018

Fiddly Bits and Raffle Prep

On Sunday 9 September 2018, Damian will again perform MC duties at the Brisbane Billycart Championships.  This year, his lovely wife Tricia will be coming along to sell some raffle tickets!!

And this is the amazing prize - a Berg Balanz Bike - you pedal to make it go and lean from side to side to steer.

This is how far it can lean...

Rear view...

Raffle prize is cleaned, tyres pumped (and front tube replaced as it wasn't holding air), and along with a helmet, it will be up for grabs next weekend!  There will be one hundred tickets (100) at $5 each - the Berg Balanz Bike is worth over $750, so this is a bargain!!

With the Berg Balanz Bike clean and shiny, it was time to put the interior back together...  Regular blog readers would remember that last weekend Damian and Angus went to pre-scrutineering, and afterwards, Damian replaced the UHF radio.  The dash surround is now reinstalled (with the radio in place), with an extra screw holding it in place (the mounting screw on the left was already broken) - amazing the difference between doing stuff to Booger Mobile and doing stuff to Retro Rock-It!!  Whack a screw in, she'll be right!!

The UHF microphone mount was also moved to a slightly more useable position (the old mounting spot was being interfered with by the wiring that Damian ran last year).

Next up Damian tried to get the Berg Balanz Bike into Retro Rock-It...  no such luck!!  Luckily Tricia has a car with a large boot space!!

Just about ready for the Brisbane Billycart Championships...  bit dirty though...

Move around to the side driveway for a quick spray down...

Voila!  Is clean!!

And back in the shed... 

On Sunday 9 September 2018, come on down to the Brisbane Billycart Championships (presented by the Rotary Club of Carindale), held at the Carindale Recreation Reserve, Cadogan Street Carindale.

If you do, you will be able to see (or even participate in) the best billycart championships in South East Queensland, you'll also be able to hear Damian's dulcet tones on the microphone... which of course is always fraught with danger!!  Lastly, you could come and buy a ticket in the raffle - $5 each, with a fixed number of tickets available - 100 tickets!!  For $5, you could have a 1 in 100 chance of picking up the amazing Berg Balanz Bike, valued at over $750.

In case you are wondering... here's Damian's son Aidan giving a demonstration on just how much fun the Berg Balanz Bike is!!

Hope to see everyone at the Brisbane Billycart Championships!


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