Sunday, 20 October 2019

2019 esCarpade Day 1 - Wangaratta to Omeo to Sale

Morning in Wangaratta...  it was a balmy 2C when Damian got up to go and buy some coffee...

Retro Rock-It's windscreen was a bit icy...


On the way to get coffee, Damian noticed something that he thought he would post for his IT friends... the difference between design and user experience!!

At breakfast...

Delicious bacon and eggs courtesy of the Lions Club of Wangaratta...

So cold, Damian wore his beanie!!

Angus studying the route notes...

Ben's first driver briefing for 2019...

And lined up for the first day of driving!

It didn't take long to hit the dirt!

And it was surprisingly dusty!!


Oh look... a water crossing!!

In a safety sandwich, between MW2 and MED 2...

Selfie time!

MW2 finally stopped to offer assistance, so no longer in a safety sandwich!

The start of a very long climb up to Mount Hotham...

Snow on the mountains!

Stopped at the top for some photos...

Bill photo-bombing!

Damian and Bill...

Mount Hotham tunnel...

And stopping at the chairlift for some photos...

Do you want to build a snowmannnnnnnnnnnnn?  NO!

Massive pulley...

And there's a heap of chairs that go on the chairlift...

Minecraft cruising past...

This place was called Big D...

Heading back down from Mount Hotham... towards Omeo.

Into sunny, downtown Omeo for lunch...

The Hilltop Hotel.

There was a deer mounted on the wall...

And this end too!

Just how fast was it running to get stuck in a wall like that?

Cathy from Mini Mouse gave Damian some snot for old time's sake...

Mini Mouse - seems to have grown into a Land Rover!

Heading out of Omeo towards Sale...

More dirt!

Cars having a few issues... help not required, so the boys continued!

Oncoming motorbikes... the perils of public roads!  They were doing about Mach 2...

More cars having a rest stop... again, no help required!

These rough roads were having an effect on some of the cars, it would seem...

Safety first!!  Check out the PPE and the triangle placement!!

The Team Illawarra fun stop...

Plenty of cars there!

Mini Mouse a bit confused about the parking arrangements, so they parked in the middle of the fun stop golf game!

After the fun stop, the boys hit the road to head to Sale...

The last part was a run down the highway...

That had crazy centre dividers!

Arriving in Sale...

The boys checked into their motel and prepared for dinner...  see the next blog post for dinner shenanigans!

One other thing happened today...  Forge Legal made a massive donation that kicked the boys past their fundraising goal of $10000, taking the total raised to a record breaking (for Booger Mobile/Retro Rock-It) total of...


Massive thanks go to Tracey and the team at Forge Legal, for their exceedingly generous donation and continuing support... for the second year in a row, Forge Legal are the single largest sponsor for Retro Rock-It!!