Monday, 14 October 2019

Bits and Bobs and a Last Minute Raffle

Today, Damian was out and about getting last minute bits and bobs in place, making sure Retro Rock-It is ready to leave on Thursday morning...

First stop, visit long-time supporter Fraser to get the esCarpade eSafety Check completed...

Next up, Damian noticed that the air-con wasn't as cold as might be required for the trip down the Newell Highway (although no doubt it would have been plenty cold enough for the Victorian high country)... A stop to see Phil at Mobile 1 Auto Cooling & Mechanical was in order!

Phil regassed Retro Rock-It's air-con, and not only that, he asked that in lieu of payment, Damian should make a $100 donation to Camp Quality - done!

Last but not least, the first lot of fuel has been purchased - the tank is full, and Retro Rock-It is ready to rock and roll!!

With a few days to go, the fundraising total now stands at $8578.62!!  Come on everyone, with your help, the boys can reach the elusive $10K total!!

In related news, Damian's sister Laura is running a last minute raffle to help raise funds - see the Facebook post that Laura tagged Damian in for further details about prizes and how to buy tickets!  It's embedded below (hopefully)...


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