Saturday, 23 September 2017

Prep Work and Speaker Installation

Another day closer to esCarpade, another day of work to get ready!!

First cab off the rank was to top up the brake fluid...

Then put the front cover back on now that the LED light and siren have been installed...  Photo-bombed by Merlin again...

Next up, was the window controls in the centre console...  These had been replace prior to Damian buying Retro Rock-It, but had inadvertently been wired up wrong...  This was rectified through some careful wire joining and crimping!!

Since on Sunday Damian will be taking Retro Rock-It down to Corvettes on the Coast, he thought that a tin of injector/fuel line cleaner would be the way to go before a 250km drive!

It's the little things being done today, like replacing the windscreen wipers...

With nice red ones, of course!!

Next up, a steering wheel cover so that the boys don't burn their hands on esCarpade...

Tight fit!!


Next up, was the installation of some waterproof external speakers...  First, a test cut using a bit of plywood...

It's a bit wonky, but will suffice for internal bracing!!

These speakers are going to go on the side of the rooftop pod...

Point of no return... there's a nice hole to poke the jigsaw through!!

Not too shabby!!


Mark out some holes...

Mounting holes drilled... wires visible are inside the rooftop pod for the side LED's...

One speaker mounted...  Took a long, long time!!

On to side two...

First cut...  pretty good on the top half, needs a bit more on the bottom half...

Holes marked...

And second speaker installed... total time for side two, about 15 mins!!

Booger Mobile in the background relegated to storage space...

Speakers look the goods... Hopefully they will be hooked up before esCarpade!!

This part of the rear seat is annoying Damian...  needs clipping back into place...

Hey presto!!

Bit of tidying, and the passenger floor looks the goods!!

The cabin is just about ready for esCarpade!!

Back down at the house... light test...

Merlin checking them out!!

The strobes, amber rotator and side LED's are all working a treat!!

As is the rear white light...

Sunday will see Damian heading down to the annual Corvettes on the Coast event at the Southport Parklands - if you are in the area, drop by and say g'day to Damian!!  The Corvette Club of Qld have been longtime supporters of Damian and Booger Mobile, and they are excited to see Retro Rock-It for the first time!!


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