Saturday, 2 April 2022

2022 esCarpade Day 0 - Welcome Dinner

Day 0, and once scrutineering was done and dusted, and a bunch of others had turned up and caught up, it was time for the boys to head to the welcome dinner...

Past the slightly inaccurate clock...

And the old Court House...

And into the driver briefing.

Hanging out with Johnny from Car 50...

Always time for crazy selfies!

And the puppeteers leading the esCarpade song... es-Car-pade... es es-Car-pade!!

Jason, Johnny and Damian...

Some event statistics... looks like this year the overall kilometres travelled will be shorter than previous years, but with a plan to arrive at the overnight destinations earlier in the day...

The crowd behind Damo...

Good tips for rookie navigators... tip 1 - do not fall asleep!

Jason was paying attention, for sure...

Sample route notes, with some tips on how to keep tabs on where you are...

And once the formalities were over...

It was time to catch up with Damian's good friend Giggle!

While the puppets ran amok as always...

Bill trying to kiss... err.. Damian?  Or Carmel in a Bill and Damo sandwich, while Damo offers some canapes!

Welcome Dinner... 30th anniversary of the Camp Quality esCarpade!

Sitting at the table with these legends...

Boss of Camp Quality Deb Thomas speaking...

Followed by the Chairman Kym Jacob...

Selfie time!

Tony inspecting his beer...

Since the 2019 esCarpade, five esCarpadians have sadly passed away... 

Remembering Tony Draybi...

Darren Redsell...

Cliff Kenney...

Charlie Watt...

And Earl Tanks.

Five champions in their own right, each missed by their loved ones and the esCarpade family.

Charlie's daughter Emily spoke to the esCarpadians...

Before opening Charlie's Bar to shout everyone a beer on behalf of Charlie.

Nurse Emma grabbed a beer courtesy of Charlie...

Before demonstrating the caring side of her nursing by playfully smacking Tony on the knee... forgetting that he had recently had surgery on it!

So that's Day 0 done and dusted... After a good night's sleep (with an extra hour due to the end of daylight saving time in NSW), it will be time for the first day of driving!

If you are in Albury or surrounding areas and would like to catch up with the esCarpadians and/or watch them leave from Albury, the entrants will be at the Hovell Tree Park in Albury between 7am and 8am on Sunday 3 April 2022.

See you all there!


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