Thursday, 26 October 2023

esCarpade Day 5 - Rockhampton to Cracow to Chinchilla

Up early in Rockhampton, it was time to find coffee, pack the car and head to breakfast...

No new oil under the car, so it seems the new oil pressure sensor has resolved that issue.

Quick check of fluids, then time to go!

It would seem that Damian missed a bit when he washed Retro Rock-It yesterday!

Catwoman (and Batman) stopped at the lights outside of the boys hotel, so Damian took a quick selfie!

Breakfast in Rockhampton...

And out early for the longest morning of the 2023 esCarpade - Rockhampton to Cracow for lunch!

Bye bull!

Through Mount Morgan...

Oh Minecraft...

Fun stop in Biloela...

Hawks/Eagles circling overhead...

Rowes Road!  Almost the name of Damian's road...

Amazingly, this section of dirt didn't kick up a cloud of dust...

Old train bridge...

Downtown Cracow for lunch...

Guess there was a fire recently...

Hotel Cracow!

Back on the road after lunch, it was time for Hoges to have a drive...

These guys decided to try some side-of-track tree pruning... trees 1, car 80 0.

Kicking up plenty of dust in this section!

Fun stop in Wandoan...

After Wandoan, it was a run down the highway to Chinchilla...

Arriving safely in Chinchilla, it was time for the boys to settle into their motel, have a shower and get ready for Melon Night!  

Oh, and a check of Retro Rock-It indicates that the oil sensor replacement has really fixed the issue!


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