With only four sleeps to go until esCarpade 2023, Damian finally had time to get out to the shed to seek out all the bits and bobs that go into the boot/car for esCarpade.
Of course, testing the lights is always fun!
And finding posters done for the boys in a previous year... a timely reminder of why we do this!
This is where the night ended though, as Merlin decided to disappear off into the bush... after much searching and getting scratched up, Damian and his sons finally found Merlin and brought him back home... by this point, no further work was even considered...
On a brighter note, the fundraising tally stands at a delightful
Top effort everyone! Thanks to all who have donated so far!
You too can help the boys reach their goal of $15K by clicking that big, yellow Donate Now button at the top of this page!
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