Sunday, 21 October 2018

2018 esCarpade Day 1 - Bathurst to Parkes to Dubbo

Day 1 had arrived... the first day of driving for the 2018 Camp Quality esCarpade!!

Breakfast was at the sheds behind pit lane at Mt Panorama!!

Parked ready for breakfast... car 24 in the foreground would make an appearance later in the day...  Keep an eye out!!

Breakfast... good times!!

Plenty of esCarpadians arrived...

Johnny from Car 50 trying out the Ezy Dump!!  Pretty sure that's not how it works!!

Ben with the first driver briefing of 2018...

And the day commenced with yet another lap of Mt Panorama!!

Before heading out through Bathurst...

And onto the open road... destination - the dish at Parkes!!

First dirt of the event...

The entrants had to stop for the sheep crossing the road...  the farmer was very understanding!!

Gee, the water gets deep here when it floods!!

Back onto bitumen again...

But it never lasts long!!

Lots of vehicles stopped here... why?

Hmmm... a 4wd...

Oh...  remember car 24 from earlier?  Apparently they neglected to turn left!!

Back onto open dirt roads...  clear of the dust for a while!!

Arriving at the first fun stop for the esCarpade…

What is happening?

Damian volunteers to take part in the game of tunnel ball!!

Go sports team!!

Back on the road after the fun stop...

So dry... kicking up plenty of dust...

What's that peeking through the trees?

No UHF radios or mobile phones...

It's the dish!!

The equivalent of a 15 storey high building!!

Parked up ready for lunch...

This was pretty cool... it was a demonstration of the way a dish works, focussing sound waves and concentrating them on the person standing there... there was another one about 50m away, and you could hear the person speaking...

Selfie didn't quite work...

They also had a precision sundial...

And some Newton apple trees that traced their lineage back to Isaac Newton!

Not a bad backdrop for lunch, which was spectacular home made beef pies and salad!!

This is an old receiver cabin, not a lunar landing module!!

Three cheers for lunch!!

Bill and Carmel (whom Damian bought Retro Rock-It off) in their temporary new car the Shrek and Fiona car!!

Heading towards Dubbo...

Car 1100 had some mechanical problems, but didn't require assistance so the boys kept driving...

Cows in a Mexican standoff with the boys...

Any wonder this was a slow zone... look how close the place is to the road!!

Afternoon fun stop...

Damian attempting to feed the marshmallow to the monster... about to be violated by Johnny from Car 50!!

Car 226 had a smoke machine going... hard to tell from the photo...

Back on the road heading to Dubbo...

Lined up ready for the parade into town...

Not every day you get a Police escort into town!!

Tracey from the witches seems to have kidnapped Shrek and Donkey!!

Just about ready to hit the road...

And away they go!!

Obligatory selfie...

Parading down the main street of Dubbo...

And checked in under an old railway bridge...

Before fuelling up and heading to the hotel for a well-earned dust cleanser... aka scotch and coke!!

Day 1 done and dusted... emphasis on the DUST!!

Retro Rock-It performed well...  a few teams had some niggly issues, but all in all it was a good day.

Dinner tonight will be a buffet style with a DJ... stay tuned for the blog post later!


  1. From Graham and Lisa. I don't know why it keeps publishing as unknown

    1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh… Nice... missing you guys this year!!

  2. 😱 was car 24 ok! Prayers that they got back to the escarpade.
    And never knew that there was so much are the Dish site... might have to be on my to do list.

    1. They are alright... car is a bit how you going... The boys from 24 won the turkey award tonight for the first day of esCarpade!!
