Sunday, 7 October 2018


Twelve days until Damian and Angus head off to the 2018 Camp Quality esCarpade… time for some preparation...

But first...  Damian's friends Paul and Catherine, along with Catherine's mother Denise like to keep a money box during the year to contribute towards Damian's event costs (fuel, lollies, spares for the car etc)…  This year, they have contributed an amazing amount...  Damian is already planning how he can put that to good use...

Spare fuel containers locked and loaded...

Ever wondered what $100 worth of Mentos looks like?  Wonder no longer!

Damian spent the rest of the afternoon ticking off items on the scrutineering checklist and locating various bits and pieces ready to load them into the boot...

esCarpade 2018, it's nearly time!


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