Thursday, 25 October 2018

2018 esCarpade Day 5 - Lightning Ridge to Barradine to Nyngan

Waking up in Lightning Ridge, it was a magnificent morning...

Buzz was heading off early to pick up Harry from the Dubbo airport to regroup at Barradine for lunch...

Moon was still out...

Sunrise in Lightning Ridge...

At breakfast... a few shots of the cars... OKA...


1100 Dial before you dig...

Car 50 and friends...

229 and friends...

1089 tuning his engine...

Witches, Princesses, Batman/Catwoman and Mario...

808 Purple People Eater...

Lots of cars at breakfast...

711 and support vehicles...

Officials loitering outside the male toilets...

Opal FM's super summer beach cruiser!!

Ben doing the day 5 driver briefing...

And the boys are away... heading towards Barradine!!

Parked up waiting for the group photo...

At the intersection...

Angus saluting Damian...

Drones doing the drone thing...

And back on the track!!

Bit of water on the side of the road...

And a bit of water in the canal!

995 stalking Retro Rock-It...

02 has had an off!

Stuck... stuck in the mud!!  Too heavy for Retro Rock-It to tow out...

Dry creek beds and route notes...

A detour... even in the outback!!

Just in front of this car was a flat cow... coincidence?

Road train...

And into the sandy dirt...

Teams stopping for a code yellow!!

Parked up at the fun stop...

Corey is stopped... hope he has a friend to tow him out!!

Hitting the road - esCarpadians had to be escorted through due to the roadworks at the request of the council...

Pretty dusty behind... lucky the boys weren't driving backwards!!

Past the machinery...

Parked up at Barradine ready for lunch...

Barradine hall...

Damian with Mark the Ambo...

After lunch, it was time to hit the track...

Out onto the open road...

More roadworks...

New bridge being made...


The dirt was pretty good...

And so was the bitumen!!

Drought is apparent out these ways...

Another hawk... lots of them, but hard to catch on the camera!!

More roadworks... 

Wetlands... not bad!

Heading towards Nyngan...

Another bit of dirt before Nyngan...

Stopping at the fun stop... Damian tossed some gold coins at a bottle of scotch, but didn't win it...

Some dirty rat in a non-esCarpade car threw up a couple of rocks and busted the windscreen... The worst part is that there was no need to put their tyres off the road as there was plenty of room for two cars on the bitumen...

Back on the road...

And the bitumen run into Nyngan...

Check in at the helicopter...

And Retro Rock-It have found their accommodation...

And another bit of dirt!! Woohoo!!

So day 5 ended with a good run - the car is still going good, except for the busted windscreen... A local mob in town have offered to fix it in the morning, so that's awesome!!


  1. Great pics Damo. Did you read the story on the helicopter?
