Thursday, 25 October 2018

2018 esCarpade Day 5 - Dinner and Videos

Dinner on Day 5 in Nyngan was a delicious outdoor affair... and in honour of being in Bogan Shire, it was bogan night!!

There was a nice wagon there, too...

Ben giving out awards to the officials...

Angus having a post-dinner snooze...

Emma, Ray, Heather and Damian boganing it up!!

And as a special treat, today's videos are attached below...

First up, a quick video of the cars formed up ready for the group photo.

Next up, the full video of dashcam footage from the morning...

Followed by the afternoon...

Unfortunately, the dashcam is starting to play up a bit, so there are some sections missing...  Hopefully Damian will get a chance to peruse the footage for interesting bits to post up at a later date.


  1. Missing it all immensely ☹️

    1. We're miss you and Carmel too, Bill... hope to see you at Wagga Wagga.
