Tuesday, 23 October 2018

2018 esCarpade Day 3 - Bourke to Glengarry Hilton to Lightning Ridge

Waking up in Bourke, it was a warm night with a lovely sunrise...

There's the sunrise...

An old bridge over the Darling River...


And parked downtown ready for breakfast...

Driver briefing day 3...  Angus had a front row seat!!

Ready to hit the road...

esCarpade certainly takes over the street!!

On the road to Glengarry Hilton!!

Back past the old bridge...

Over a new bridge...

And the first of a gazillion cattle grids!!

Lots of dirt - some red, some brown, some white...

Roadworks, even in the middle of nowhere!!


Minecraft stopped to fix an aerial...

Sneaking through a one lane bridge before the truck that was approaching (and had the give way sign)…

Plenty of cattle on the side of the road...

More grids...

More cattle...

The awesome Yokohama Geolandar all-terrain tyres are doing the job well!!

At the fun stop...  cup stacking and unstacking...

And Angus carrying the remains of a Jaffa in a spoon!!

Back on the road...  first, the wind blew the dust to the right...

Then it changed direction and blew the dust to the left!!

Entering the opal mining area that leads to the Glengarry Hilton...

About here, the road got very rough and Retro Rock-It's tripmeter went a little mental... the boys travelled about 400m, but the tripmeter reckoned they had gone about 10km!!

Arriving at the Glengarry Hilton...

Damian was highly amused by this sign... don't eat near a smoker!!

You'd think these were the toilets... you'd think wrong!!

Angus looking inexplicably sad, given how awesome the cold meat and salad lunch was!!

Cactus garden...

The tripmeter being sternly spoken to by a couple of the mechanics... it's doing some kind of reset/test...  Didn't fix it.

After lunch, Damian and Angus decided they would skip the afternoon drive to do the optional school visit to Walgett, about 70km away...

The first 13km or so was still on the dirt...

But then across a grid and they were on the bitumen heading towards Walgett!

Six cars did the optional school visit to Walgett to the excitement of the 180 students!!

Artwork inside the school hall...

After the school visit, it was straight up the Castlereagh Highway to Lightning Ridge...

The Barwon River... pretty low...

All the specs on this photo are hawks... they were circling a bunch of road kill...

Giant emu...  And sheep grazing on the side of the highway...

Right turn... Lightning Ridge!!

After arriving in Lightning Ridge, the boys settled into their room and had a cleansing drink to get rid of the dust...  Tonight's entertainment will be a buffet dinner and karaoke...

Tomorrow will be a day of washing Retro Rock-It and having a token look at the tripmeter - if it's misbehaving, that will make the rest of the trip pretty awkward!

Fun and games ahead...


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