Sunday, 14 October 2018


With just five more sleeps remaining before Damian and Angus head off on the 2018 Camp Quality esCarpade, Damian thought a rainy Sunday would be the perfect day to start packing the car...

The boot on Retro Rock-It is positively cavernous, particularly compared to that of Booger Mobile!!

One spare tyre and a bag of spare bits in the under-floor wheel well...

And the rest of the spares, tools and safety equipment in the boot... with still plenty of room for bags!

So the next five days for Damian will be like this:

Monday - Work and basketball training;
Tuesday - Work;
Wednesday - Work;
Thursday - Work and basketball game...  Probably should pack clothes about now!
Friday 3:00am - throw clothes etc into Retro Rock-It, double check list of "last minute" items...
Friday 3:30am - head off to pick up Angus at 4am...
Friday 6:00am - meet 808 (Purple People Eater) at Warwick...
Friday 8:30am or so cross into NSW at Goondiwindi and lose an hour due to daylight savings...
Friday sometime in the early evening - arrive in Bathurst!

One last thing... a quick fundraising update...  The current total raised by Damian and Angus this year stands at: 



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