Monday, 22 October 2018

2018 esCarpade Day 2 - Dubbo to Hermidale to Bourke

Waking up in Dubbo, Giggle was happy but a little dusty... maybe he should close his mouth!!

Breakfast - Western Plains Zoo...

Regular blog readers would remember this corner from yesterday - this is where the esCarpadians lined up for the police escort into town...

Damian getting breath-tested by Emma at breakfast...

The ambos aren't all that popular at this point...


Monkeys on their island...

Different island, different monkeys...

Day 2 driver briefing...

And on the road...  Brett - stop reading now!  Skip down the page until the puppets...


Didn't last long...

Funny farm machinery... look at the ground clearance!!

Overtaking Kermit... he's feeling a bit hungover today...

Past the rabbit trap hotel...

Stopped at the fun stop...

Damian playing twister… right hand on yellow...  Left hand on yellow...

Right foot on blue...

Right foot on green...

And back on the road again...

Lots of grids...

And lots of dust, with dirt of all colours... orange, white, brown...

And finding a shady spot for lunch!

Hermidale Hotel... a tiny pub in the middle of nowhere!!

Damian and Angus having a delicious ginger beer at lunch!

Probably the most cars the Hermidale pub has ever seen!

Elleni the puppet(eer) perched on Retro Rock-It...

Enough lollies for a school of 11 students!!  ;-)  Two bulk bags of Mentos...

Lined up behind OV6 for the grand entry to the school...

Handing out lollies...

Scooby from Team Alex making some new friends!

And it's time for the puppet show...  Angus hadn't seen the new puppet show, so he wanted to stay and watch the whole show... This meant that the boys would be on bitumen after lunch, but that's how it goes!!

On with the show...

At the end of the show, Kylie (the puppet) needed a special volunteer...  Mrs Edge!!

Super Mrs Edge!!

Dancing up a storm!!

Back on the road, it was bitumen through to Bourke...

Angus had a little snooze... good plan!!

Welcome to Bourke Shire...

Crossing the Darling River...

Northy… the north side of the river...

So, Day 2 ended...  The boys found their hotel, Angus got to see the new puppet show, and the car went well...  All in all, a great day!

Dinner will be a camp oven cookout... yummy!!


  1. Wow you are well on your every turn the road seems to change to a different colour,love seeing all the country side as you pass them by .
    The puppet show looked great and you sure did not miss a thing with all the pictures.Good to hear there were no debacles today.Safe travels as always doing it for the Kids and Camp quality

    1. Glad you're enjoying the pics Kaye... it's awesome sponsors like you that make our trip worthwhile...

    2. Awwww thanks Damian but your the awesome one for everything you and all the other Camp Quality esCarpaders do to help the kids :)
