Wednesday, 24 October 2018

2018 esCarpade - Video Hightlights - Day 1 to 3

These are a few of the video highlights from days 1 to 3 of the 2018 Camp Quality esCarpade.

Day two - bouncey bouncey!!  Some of the roads are pretty rough - often these are marked on the route notes, but sometimes, there are some interesting parts that are fun because of either the type of vehicle involved - like this one!  The bumps in the road were just the right distance apart to set up a bit of a standing wave for Retro Rock-It - the bouncing gets higher!!

Day three - rough roads.  A good bit of footage to show the kinds of roads that can be experienced on esCarpade, and how rapidly the conditions can change!!

Day three - school visit.  Snappy video to show a behind the scenes look of forming up and parading into a school safely and with full lights and noisemakers!!

Below are full (high speed) videos of all dashcam footage captured - sometimes the camera craps out and there's a bit of footage missed, but hey, it's old and the roads are rough!!

Grab some popcorn and enjoy!

Day 1 Morning

Day 1 Afternoon

Day 2 Morning

Day 2 Afternoon

Day 3 Morning

Day 3 Afternoon

The next lot of videos will probably be after the end of esCarpade, unless something particularly exciting happens, as it took most of the lay day to prepare and upload the footage!


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