Tuesday, 23 October 2018

2018 esCarpade Day 3 - Dinner

Dinner for day 3 is always a big night, as it's the day before the lay day...  The venue - the Lightning Ridge Bowls Club.

Angus found the right room - how did he do that?

Partying at the table...

Jamie aka Batman looking very stern - caught him at an off moment!!  Damian retook the photo, but this one was much better - sorry Jamie!!

Donna from Witches and Ange aka Catwoman…

Anna aka Wonder Woman and Tracey from the Witches...

Angus and Damian - cheers!!

A big shout-out to Damian's friend Paul Hogan (no, not that Paul Hogan, an even more awesome one) who supplied the drinks this evening!

Ange and Donna attempting to show attitude...  Ange showed hers alright!!

Take two...

Entertainment this evening was karaoke...

Lots of people got up and gave it a red hot go - a very pleasing participation level!!

Robbie the puppeteer found something he probably shouldn't be touching...

So he threw it on Ben!

Susan getting a better view of the stage courtesy of Michael from Car 50!

A great night was had... tomorrow the boys will be looking into the minor issue with the tripmeter and doing a little bit of sightseeing...


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