Friday 20 October 2017

esCarpade 2017 - Day -1 - Drive to Port Macquarie

Finally, the day had arrived for the boys to head towards the 2017 Camp Quality esCarpade starting point of Port Macquarie, NSW.

First step, pack the boot...  Looking more full now!!

As Damian headed up the driveway to go and collect Adam, his lovely wife Tricia was waiting at the top to take some pics...

Here they are!!  Stopped at the gate...

Heading out the gate...

Bye bye for a week!!

Damian collected Adam, then they headed down the highway...  Traffic was pretty reasonable given it was coming in to peak hour!!

Over the Gateway Bridge...

Stopped at Yatala waiting for Purple People Eater to arrive...

Whoop there he is!!

Purple People Eater and Retro Rock-It decided to make a small convoy down to Port Macquarie...

Always time for a selfie!!

Harley trike...

Welcome to New South Wales!!

The first of many tunnels...

Playing leap frog...

There was a bit of a rubber smell coming from Purple People Eater, so it was a detour to Balina...

Damian loaned them the trolley jack...

Tyres slightly rubbing on suspension...

Tony showing his best side!!

Gentle adjustment with the knock-ometer...

Back on the road, and passing the small pineapple...

And a big prawn...

NSW give you plenty of notice about impending speed cameras... and helpfully tell you the speed limit!!


A nice old Holden...

Purple People Eater back in the wing mirror...

And leap frog... they are behind again!!

Lots of roadworks on the way down...

A cracking Jacaranda tree...

And a rustic barn...

Passing the big banana...

After stopping for lunch in Coffs Harbour, it was Adam's turn for a drive...

And straight back into more tunnels!!

Stunt trucks ahead!!

The bridge into Macksville...

Leap frog continues...

Past a water park...

Turn left to Port Macquarie!!


The view from the motel room...

Parked out the front beside Teddy Chasers...

More motel view shots... it's a tough life!!

Next up tonight, find some food, then have a good sleep ready for scrutineering in the morning...

There may or may not be a blog post tonight after dinner - depends if anything interesting happens!!

The boys have arrived safe and sound in Port Macquarie, and Retro Rock-It is going well so far... touch wood!!

Stay tuned, esCarpade 2017 is coming at you!!


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