Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Snap Poll - Wheel Colour

Snap Poll - Help Damian and Adam decide on wheel colour...  Well, more specifically, rim colour!!

Here's the original white rims...  clean, but not in keeping with the Retro Rock-It paint scheme.

Damian had some black hammertone paint lying around, so he thought that might look alright...

Inner bits done...

And maybe some cherry red on the outside of the rim?

Here's how it will look on the car at the front...

And at the rear...

So, bearing in mind that there's only 10 days until Damian and Adam leave for esCarpade 2017, have your vote in the comments below...  Should Damian keep painting the remaining rims with the black and red combination, or something different?

And go!!


  1. I think the Black and red is a winner it goes well with the Retro Rock-it Theme :)

    1. Thanks Kaye!! It took a long time to work it out, but in the end I went with the paint I had available!!

    2. Well I hope it was the Black and Red :)

    3. Yes, that's the paint I had available!! Just need one more tin of the black to finish the other rims...

  2. Black/red is a winner. Looks great

    1. As a painter, I make a good observer!! Good from far, but far from good!!
