Booger Mobile looking on in envy... Look at the size of that boot!!
So much room, there was even room for Adam in there!!
After putting all the stuff in the boot, Damian was wondering how there could possibly be so much room left over... Turns out that he (finally) realised that a) the boot is larger... b) there isn't a subwoofer in there, and c) in Booger Mobile, the spare tyre sits on top of the fuel tank in the boot, with the other spare sitting beside it.
In Retro Rock-It, the actual spare tyre is below the floor of the boot (under the carpet), so there was only one tyre actually sitting IN the boot...
Two 10L fuel containers safely stowed in the rooftop pod...
Ready to head back down to the house... Boot full of goodies, scrutineering checklist ticked off...
And back at the house... the bonnet is open so that Damian can hook up the battery charger - although it's a new battery, it was a bit sluggish after all the testing of the amp and lights etc (without the car being switched on).
While Damian was driving back down to the house, Adam was taking a video... here it is!!
Pretty much all is said and done now in terms of preparation for the 2017 Camp Quality esCarpade - anything that isn't done now, will have to wait for next year!!
There is, however, still time to make a donation if you haven't done so already...

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