While waiting for Adam, Damian pulled the UHF apart - the damn thing was still being a bit flakey - Damian suspected an earthing problem. After running a new earth, it wasn't better... After pulling out the whole radio, pulling it apart to check internals (and void warranty in the process), and discovered that it was all good internally... A quick adjustment of the actual power plug itself had a much better outcome... *sigh*
Damian put the call out for anyone with an old car stereo amplifier that they weren't using, and the call was answered by former Camp Quality camper Rhys... Damian dropped around to pick up the amp, and of course, there's always time for a selfie!!
There's the amp!! Old, and heavy, but hopefully it works!! Rhys was unable to test it at his place, but it worked when he removed it from the vehicle it was in (many years ago)!!
Adam started sorting out some amp wiring...
And shoving the amp under the seat...
While this was going on, Damian had been installing a weather-proof plug through the remaining hole in the roof, ready for speaker wires... He also installed the speaker wires down to where the amp was, and up into the rooftop pod, including wiring up the actual speakers...
Time for the actual test... Well, hear for yourself!!
Adam not quite getting the Rock-It theme... or maybe he is!!
esCarpade 2017 is now just 12 days away... there are a few more little things that need doing, but Damian and Adam are feeling much more comfortable now... Time will tell!!
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